Pole Dancing Party - Ladies Night Fun!

by Susan Peach
(British Columbia, Canada)

Pole Dancers

Pole Dancers

I may be just a little biased when I say having a Pole Dancing Party has got to be the most fun a group of girls can have together, since I've been doing pole dancing parties for nearly six years now. But after every party it seems the women are laughing about it for days, and years later they still talk about it as one of the funnest things they've ever done.

So what is a pole dancing party? Every party presenter or instructor has a slightly different format of course, but basically you'll have someone come to your home with a portable dance pole, or you'll meet at your local pole fitness studio (if you're lucky enough to have one nearby).

For my parties, we start off by choosing three different coloured index cards. Each card has part of your new pole dancer name written on it, and you put them together to come up with your name for the evening. You might be Candi Dazzle Tush, or Ruby Lusty Hips, or even Bambi Hooter Heaven! We write our names on coloured name tags and from then on no one is allowed to call anyone by their real name for the rest of the evening.

Then a (non-alcoholic) toast with pink "champagne" gets us all in a party mood. After a run group warmup during which we learn moves like the "chocolate icing swipe" (imagine standing inside a giant bowl of chocolate icing and wiping it off the sides with your hips), I teach everyone some simple pole dancing moves. As we add more moves to our dance routine, they get a bit more challenging until we finish by getting everyone airborne for a pole spin. This is always a highlight of the evening.

Once everyone has had time to practice their pole dance routine, out come the boas, wigs and other fun costume items. Everyone gets to dress up and perform her pole dance moves for her friends. There's always lots of cheering and laughter during this part of the evening as everyone gets to see a new side of their friends!

If you haven't tried a pole dancing party yet I encourage you to look into it. I have to say I enjoy facilitating them just as much as the women love attending them!

If you need help finding someone in your area who can do a pole dancing party for you, you might want to do a search in this worldwide pole dancing directory.

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Nov 19, 2010
Ladies Night Party Idea
by: Sandee

What a great Ladies Night Party idea! I have been curious about pole dancing as an exercise ever since Oprah hosted a celebrity (forgot her name) on her show who demonstrated the technique.

Seems like a great way to have fun with friends and lovers and get a great workout too!

Thanks for contributing, Susan.

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