by Jennifer C.
(Brockville, Ontario)
To play Pass The Prize, you set up several tables with 8 or 10 chairs at take a prize envelope (whatever YOU wish) and tape it under one of the chairs...after everyone is settled and seated you can begin the ask everyone to look under their chairs and ask everyone who has found an envelope to hold up the envelope...(just to make sure you didn't miss a table), just like in musical start up the music and instruct everyone to begin passing the envelope around the table(s)...when the music stops, the person(s) holding the envelope are asked to stand up...then you instruct them to hand it to the person (this is your discretion whether its the person on the right or left) and the person that the envelope was passed to is the winner~!!
TPQ Comment: Pass The Prize is perfect for an office or a church function where you have several people sitting around several tables. It's a great way to give out the centerpieces like they do at some of these functions. Thank you for contributing Jennifer.
Here's how you do it:
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