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Fun Christmas Traditions

Fun Christmas Traditions Free Ebook

Continuing fun Christmas traditions that you grew up with and creating new ones with your children and grandchildren is important. My friends and I recently wrote an ebook to share some of the traditions we have established with our families.

This ebook is my gift to you and can be downloaded at the link below. You are welcome to share it with friends, but please do so by providing a link to this page as opposed to giving out the pdf link directly.

In addtion to sharing our traditions, we also included:

  • A helpful checklist you can use when creating your own Christmas traditions
  • Some ideas for centerpieces and natural decorations you can make yourself
  • Unique gift wrapping techniques and
  • Some recipes for edible gifts that anyone would love to receive

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Fun Christmas Traditions

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Our hope is that by sharing this ebook, our visitors and their friends will find ideas for simple traditions they can implement with their families and hopefully create life long memories that future generations will cherish. Download your free copy here:

Christmas Family Traditions PDF link

If you have trouble gaining access to this Christmas traditions ebook, contact us here.

More Fun Christmas Traditions - Family Angel Tree Shopping

When most people think about fun family traditions they think of things you can do with your immediate family but that is not where traditions should end.

If you open up and explore traditions that include extended family, friends, and your larger community, you can add depth and warmth to the holidays.

It is easy for children to keep their focus on their own Christmas lists, and it is just as easy for parents to get too focused on buying up all the holiday deals so their tree is satisfying Christmas morning.

Unfortunately, there are many children in your community who will not have gifts overflowing from their tree this year. There are children who do not have the joy of creating a long list, because they know their parents or guardians cannot afford to buy them anything.

Fun Christmas Traditions

Most communities have Christmas trees with small pieces of paper hanging all over them, with the Christmas wishes of needy children presented on each paper. These trees are commonly called Angel Trees and the papers are often shaped like angels.

If your family likes to shop, try to find a child or two on those trees who are similar in age to your own children. Rather than building up their own Christmas lists, let your children shop for another child.

This can be one of the fun Christmas traditions you enjoy every year, because it helps the needy in your community while giving your family the satisfaction of shopping for the bargains.

In most cases, you simply take the angel from the tree, do your shopping, and then return the gifts to a designated check-in station before a particular date. It is best to shop immediately so you do not forget and miss the deadline for gift turn-in. Do not lose the paper, so they know where to deliver your gifts.

Holiday Letter Swap

Do not make Christmas gift receiving the only thing your family looks forward to each year. Fun Christmas traditions can extend to unique gift giving ideas as well. A holiday letter swap requires everyone in the family to write a detailed letter to someone else in the family.

These letters should be uplifting and loving, telling the other person why they love them, why they are proud of them, or perhaps reliving memories experienced with the other person.

Fun Christmas Traditions

You can do the letter swap within your smaller family or with an extended family. You can even do it for a holiday get-together with your closest friends or another social group. The letters won’t cost anyone a dime, but they will touch the heart and become something to look forward to in future years.

You can have everyone draw a name ahead of time, and then it can be a surprise for everyone to see who wrote to them. The letters can be wrapped alone, put together with other gifts, or simply folded, wrapped with ribbon, and hung from the tree. They can even be a surprise tucked into a gift card sleeve.

There are many other fun Christmas traditions that you might think of, from buying matching Christmas pajamas for the entire family to wear on Christmas Eve to serving Christmas afternoon at a local shelter.

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