by Norma Serrano
(Los Angeles, CA)
Wine Club
WineShop At Home has a Wine club that will send you two or four bottles of wine delivered to your home. When you sign-up you get a FREE bottle of wine and if you have a wine tasting, they give you 50% off your 1st shipment. What great value. Where can you get 3 bottles of wine for under $15? Plus you get tasting notes, and recipes to pair your wines with. You can cancel at any time, no obligation what so ever. The best part is you get to choose red, white, or one of each. You always get to try their new releases first and at the lowest possible price.
You can get more info at this website.
Here's how you do it:
Our goal is to create a community of like-minded people who like to share ideas and who are open to making new friendships. We would love for you to join us today.